Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Floods:arty and crafty stuff

Hey all!

First I better explain about The Floods books(#1 is my english text at the moment). The Floods is a family of wizards and witches. It is a really-funny-but-a-bit-gross book. Here is the link to the floods part on the authors website:

So anyway, one of the things I got to do was decorate a bit of the house spooky. I made spiders and things out of pompoms, goggle eyes,hot glue and other things like that. The gate (pic. #3) is a gate that the floods made to try and deter people from entering. I made my replica mostly out of cardboard and paint.

all photos copyright by EMS 2009

In the next post will be two more of my floods creations.

Love Em

4 comments-click to read or write a comment:

Naomi said...

Wow! HOw long did it take to make all of these?

Emily said...

Two afternoons work....i made most of the spiders on the first day and the spider webs with mum the second!

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmy , Love the spiders and the spider webs , and the cake look good too.
Love Nan

Fiona said...

excellent creativeness emmy - especially the bats....
love mum