Friday, August 28, 2009

Text Effects in Photoshop

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday I did a few typography things in photoshop.
Here they are.

Light: a glowing lightbulb on the dot of the "i"
Love: a big red heart instead of an "o"
Tracks: tracks through the word and the background
Water: rippled text that looks like wavy water

Soon I will finish making a dragon!!! Check back soon!!!!

Love Em
p.s. every text effect is a separate image, click to see full size

3 comments-click to read or write a comment:

Naomi said...


How long does it take to do this sought of thing?

love barrel fulls,Naomi

Emily said...

Well, these particular ones took maybe 5min each, because they were fairly simple.
love truck fulls, Em

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmy , they look great , seems like a lot of work.
Love nan