Hi everyone!
This is a Christmas card I made for Lime Tart's Recipe Challenge.
I had to use:
- buttons (check, the tree)
- rubons (check, the word "joy")
- stitching (check, around the brown square)

Love Em
Hi everyone!
This is a Christmas card I made for Lime Tart's Recipe Challenge.
I had to use:
Posted by Emily at 8:15 PM 5 comments-click to read or write a comment
Hi Everyone!
I have made a pizza box for the Inkurable Stampers October challenge. Well, not quite a pizza box. It looks like a pizza box and opens like a pizza box, and even smells like a pizza box(just joking :P), but it is sized for a CD and its case. Here is the tutorial (I used different dimensions so it would be the size for a CD).
Hope you like it!
Love Em
Posted by Emily at 8:02 PM 3 comments-click to read or write a comment
Hi Everyone!
This time I truly AM going to show you the iPod Case I made! Using the sewing machine, this great tutorial and some lovely fabric from CJ's Patchworks I created this:
The iPod goes in and then you fold the top over and slide it through the ribbon and put the earphone in through the whole in the bottom. There is felt on the inside to protect the iPod.
Love Em
Posted by Emily at 3:59 PM 4 comments-click to read or write a comment
Hi guys!
Not quite up to the ipod case yet, but it will be soon! I wanted to tell you all about The Uniform Project. A lady called Sheena is wearing one dress for 1 year, to earn money for Indian kids to go to school. And she dosen't wear the dress the same way each day, she adds accessories so everyday its different! She started May the 1st, so she will finish on April 30.
Here you can see the website and flick through the dailies or look at a whole month:
The Uniform Project Daily
And here is a video to better explain it all:
Uniform Project Trailer ^some dailies so you get the idea, click to see larger
Love Em XXOO
Posted by Emily at 7:48 AM 0 comments-click to read or write a comment
Hi Everyone!
Got back from Boggabilla on Saturday, excited knowing that I would get glasses soon!
So here are a couple of photos with them off and on with a blue headband I made (which can be turned out either way) with the sewing machine.What do you think?
Next post I will show you an ipod case I also made with the sewing machine.
Love Em
Posted by Emily at 4:57 PM 4 comments-click to read or write a comment
Hi all,
This is for Zest Blog's challenge. Put the blinkie and a link from your blog to win a kit.
Love Em
Posted by Emily at 4:51 PM 0 comments-click to read or write a comment
Labels: craft, other, upload without pic.
Hi everyone!
Following as I mentioned in the previous post, here are the felted teddies!
The first one I made for one of our gift boxes for operation christmas child. Also if you look over at my Mum's blog, Made by Fee, and browse through the September and August archives, you will find some things about and for Operation Christmas Child.
This one I made for my friend Alex's birthday. She likes blue and loves pandas and she also loves Tatty Teddy's Blue Nose Friends(she also loves teddy bears just like me :D). Mum picked up a Binky (the panda blue nose) and I made a little friend for it(which we dubbed Bunky:D). You can also see the beautiful gift box Mum made for it here.
Hope you like them!
Love Em
p.s.Don't forget daylight savings is on!:P:P:P :D:D:D
Posted by Emily at 8:43 PM 4 comments-click to read or write a comment
Hey everyone!
It's October! The year has gone so fast!
Something different for the background...tell me what you think!
I made it using my wacom and photoshop(of course!).
Love Em
Sneak Peak: Some felted teddies coming soon!
Posted by Emily at 7:16 PM 3 comments-click to read or write a comment
Labels: art, photoshop, upload without pic., wacom